Hawksight Weekly Progress — CertiK audit completed (29th Sep’22)

Hawksight | Solana DeFi Navigator
3 min readSep 29, 2022


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🐣Get the best APY opportunities to grow your SOL or USDC on Hawksight. We are building Solana’s Largest Yield Aggregator to automate yield strategies in 1-click, for: DEX trading yields, borrow-lending, and structured derivatives.

✅ Product updates

  • Latest yield APY updates at https://hawksight.co/: 14.5% for SOL and 14.6% for USDC
  • Launched new USDC vault based on automated yield strategy from liquidity providing for USH-USDC on Saber to yield 14.6% for USDC.
New automated USDC yield strategy powered by Saber and Hedge Labs
  • Rapidly expanding more DeFi protocol integrations to make Hawksight an easy one-stop-shop for yield strategies on Solana. Currently integrating: Frakt, Tulip, Francium, Mercurial, and Lido.
  • Completed CertiK smart contract audit! CertiK will be publishing the audit report in the new few days, and Hawksight will also make it available on our Gitbook documentation page
  • Experimenting on providing SOL and USDC APY notifications via Telegram & Discord chatbot (currently reaching 1.9million+ users). Find out more about our NFT & DeFi chatbot here
  • Hawksight Degen Pool (Gamified yield aggregator): Continued development and QA testing. Find out how our GameFi project benefits NFT holders here: Hawksight Degen Pool: Gamifying DeFi while rewarding NFT holders

✅Growth & Business Development updates

  • Planning Debonair Degen Hawks NFT PFP & roadmap upgrade (Alpha: You will need $HAWK tokens)
  • Launched AMA with Yaku, Divine Dogs, and Port Finance this week. We will transition to biweekly instead of weekly Twitter Space progress updates for Hawksight, to prioritize on launching more marketing & AMA collaborations with more projects.
  • Presenting Hawksight in-real-life at Solana Hacker House Singapore and Draper Startup House Philippines
Hawksight presentation at Solana Hacker House Singapore
  • Preparing pipeline for more marketing collaborations with leading Solana DeFi & NFT projects

✅Community FAQs

1. Wen big marketing campaigns to grow TVL?
We are constantly ramping up marketing collaborations (See updates above), and will graduate to bigger campaigns once certain product milestones and catalysts are in place, such as CertiK audit completion, $HAWK token staking, NFT upgrade, upgraded Hawksight DeFi app user-interface, and more DeFi yield strategy integrations. This is to make sure we maximize user adoption & TVL, with an industry-leading Solana DeFi product, when launching big marketing campaigns (instead of waste marketing budget for temporary hype).

2. Wen $HAWK token staking and what is the expected APY?
Devs are juggling between building the core DeFi app, token staking, and various ecosystem utilities. We hope to launch $HAWK token staking between October and November if there are no delays in core DeFi app development priorities. The expected APY for $HAWK staking is planned to be around >10%, based on benchmarking with other leading Solana DeFi and GameFi projects.

🐣What is Hawksight?

Hawksight.co is building Solana’s Largest DeFi Yield Aggregator & Infrastructure — Earn the best APY yield opportunities to grow your SOL and USDC, through 1-click automated yield strategies for: DEX trading yields, borrow-lending, and structured derivatives. Hawksight is backed by Solana Ventures, and audited by Sec3.

Hawksight’s mission is to make DeFi yield accessible to Everyone — and we are tackling this mission with 3 (three) strategic launches:

  • DeFi yield aggregator with 1-click automated DeFi yield strategies
  • DeFi-NFTs to “mint” first-time DeFi users
  • GameFi Degen Pool to gamify DeFi yield while rewarding NFT holders



Hawksight | Solana DeFi Navigator

Hawksight.co is Solana’s Smartest DeFi Navigator— Earn the best APY yield opportunities to grow your SOL and USDC